Elliot Rossomme
Elliot Rossomme

Hi, I’m Elliot.

By day I am a Ph.D. candidate in physical chemistry at U.C., Berkeley. I study how physics can be applied to explain and predict how chemical reactions occur, and I am currently working on a project related to green energy production. I probably won’t talk too much about this here, but hey, the more you know.

I love all things food and drink, and I spend much time cooking, eating, and dwelling in coffee shops; I love to read and to ask big questions, to learn about the world around me; I love yoga, and sometimes I love to run. I love words—reading them, writing them, hearing them, speaking them. I love that I can pursue each of these things in the company of a spectacular host of friends, family, and strangers.

Now to come out (twice!): I’m gay, and I’m a Christian. These two pieces of my identity have shaped how I reflect on and interact with the world more than anything else. I love both of these things too.

I’m passionate about being rooted in place, and I love the city of San Francisco and the broader Bay Area, for all of its beauty and all of its problems. For now, it is home. I’m pretty chuffed about it.

