Elliot Rossomme
Elliot Rossomme

How can you be gay & Christian?

Below you’ll find a (growing!) series of blog posts that address this and related questions. Taken as a whole, they represent and track my ideological journey as it relates to Christian faith, gender, and sexuality. Think of them less as a clear roadmap from point A to point B, and instead as signposts in the ground across a variegated intellectual and experiential landscape.

(Sorry for the word salad, I couldn’t resist.)

The ideas in the post are singular: they represent what I personally believe at the point in time of writing. They have been shaped by my journey and by many, many people, and they will continue to evolve. Regardless of their particularity, I hope they represent a helpful window into one way of engaging the issues at hand.

Each post comes with a brief description so you can know what you’re getting into before reading. Handy, I know.

I hope you’re as glad to be here as I am to have you. Happy reading!


0. “How can you be gay and Christian?”

An introduction. This post does not answer its eponymous question, unfortunately. That’s what the rest of them are about. Instead, I explain why I’m writing this series, who it’s for, and what you can expect from it. I think about how we change our minds and develop new perspectives, drawing from Thomas Kuhn, one of my favorite philosophers.