Elliot Rossomme
Elliot Rossomme

This site.

In broad terms, this site is the repository for my thoughts about life and faith in a contemporary American context. I write to think through what it means to engage the modern world—its insights, its complications—in a way that is fruitful and, hopefully, promotes peace.

I do all of my writing and thinking from a post-modern, Christian worldview. The Christian bit means (among other things) I’ll often bring Christian Scripture and Tradition into my writing with the assumption that these are worthwhile materials for contemporary reflection. The post-modern bit means (among other things) that I know that not everyone shares these assumptions, and that I see this as a strength of discourse, not a weakness to it.

Most of the posts on this site will be focused on gender, sexuality, and Christianity. But I also spend some time reflecting on other things, especially those that pop up in the new cycle. One of these days you’ll probably see some posts about science and religion too.

Feel free to explore and pop me a line or too if something I’ve written piques your interest.